Early Years and Primary

Jo Ellingworth (Department Leader),Green Pathway, Online Safety Lead
Belinda Cramphorn Green Pathway
Laura Howard Green Pathway

Key Stage 2 and 3

Nadine Long (Department Leader) Yellow Pathway
Cathy Brown  Green Pathway
Lisa Craske Yellow Pathway
Hannah Carpenter Green Pathway

Key Stage 4 and 5 ("Uppers")

Becka Butland (Department Leader) Yellow Pathway
Michelle Davey Yellow Pathway
Alex Thomas Green Pathway

Complex Needs Department

Abigail Roberts (Department Leader) Complex Green/Blue Pathway
Jackie Whittick LINC 19+, Blue Pathway
Yvonne Gibson (Department Leader) LINC 19+, Blue Pathway

Other Key Roles

Adam Daw Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, DA Lead, Prevent Lead, Educational Visits Coordinator
Danny Mills Deputy Head, Designated Person for Safeguarding, CiC Lead, Behaviour Lead (Abigail Roberts), "CTT" Trainer, Attendance Lead
Nadine Long Maths Lead, Designated Person for Safeguarding
Abigail Roberts English Lead, "CTT" Trainer 
Pippa Edwards School Business Manager, Health and Safety Lead
Becka Butland Careers Lead, Designated Person for Safeguarding
Jo Ellingworth Autism Lead, Designated Person for Safeguarding, Online Safety Lead
Julia Jackson Work Experience coordinator
Natasha Weyman Medical Lead
Karen Storey Moving and Handling
Claire Nice Communication Lead
Lauren Noe TEACHH provision, Brick Therapy
Daniel Godfrey After School Club Leader

Paul Newns

Brian Smith

Site Supervisors
Rachael Stalker Music Therapist
Tricia Magee School Counsellor
Sadiye Akalin Play Therapist
Jan Purath School Receptionist
Stephanie Neal Administrator, Clerk to Governors