We recognise that there may inevitably be times where traditional in-school learning will not be possible. 

Unexpected school closure

If the school is forced to close unexpectedly, we will point parents and carers towards our Evidence for Learning platform. Work and suggested activities on this platform are organised by age group/Pathway as appropriate. There are numerous resources available. Depending on the class/Pathway, teachers may also wish to suggest other online resources for students to work on. 

Authorised absense

Where a student is unable to attend but well enough to learn and this absence is authorised by the school, we will work with parents and carers to devise a programme of learning that meets the learner's needs. We recognise that planning remote education whilst also teaching a class in person can greatly increase teacher workload, so we will also insist that teachers take this into account when devising a remote learning plan.

Remote Education

Updated: 01/02/2024 211 KB