Early Years education is the essential foundation upon which pupils build the rest of their lives. It is an education that encompasses all learning. The nature of our Pathway system means that pupils in the Early Years, will access either the Blue or Green Pathway curriculum.  

This diagram shows how the EYFS Curriculum is linked to the Blue and Green Pathways.  

Pupils' progress is assessed against both the EYFS Areas of Learning and development and curriculum targets. We also assess progress against EHCP Outcomes. We value contributions of learning from home and encourage parents to send in any ‘WOW’ learning moments that occur at home.  Learning is a partnership between home and school.

Learning in school is enriched by trips and visits, walks in the local community, visitors to the school and additional experiences and therapies.  We have an onsite Music Therapist, Play Therapist and work closely with Speech and Language Therapists, OT's and Physiotherapists.