We provide high quality careers education for all of our pupils, delivering it in a way that takes into account their individual learning needs. Our driving ambition is to increase the opportunities our students have of finding quality employment in later life and/or preparedness for their next steps. Wherever possible we support our students to articulate their aspirations for adult life, including accessing supported living or realising a desire to work.
In order to support students to achieve their aspirations, our curriculum consists of the following strands:
Vocational education - lessons to support students to identify their skills, interests and talents. Including CV writing, interview techniques and applications using the Talentino Careers Programme
Work related learning opportunities offering meaningful vocational experience on site for students in all Pathways
A varied programme of Social Enterprise activities
Off-site work experience
Support with job coaching and planning next steps once leaving school from external agencies including the 14-25 additional needs team
Opportunities to learn important life skills that would help with supported living
We want every student to:
Develop pro-social behaviours and skills and be able to recognise and celebrate their own strengths
Have access and exposure to a range of opportunities which help to build a picture of what they want their future to look like
Make informed decisions with their parents/carers about their future
To ensure that our careers programme is as effective as it can be, we undertake regular reviews and use a range of methods to measure its impact, including:
tracking student transitions from aspiration to destination
completing a Future Skills Questionnaire
taking surveys of students, parents/carers, employers and providers of learning
The student below is working on our very own "Muddy Boots Farm", where pupils learn about and have the opportunity to gain qualifications in Animal Care.
Careers education is embedded across our curriculum in all Pathways and at all ages, and students learn about work through practical activities, visits in the community and a wide range of written and visual learning. For older students, this can include residential visits, mini enterprise and vocational lessons. They also participate in appropriate and specific career related learning, for example work experience and careers events.
We regularly measure ourselves against the eight "Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance", a framework recommended to improve careers provision in all schools.
The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance
Work Experience
Some students in the Yellow Pathway will take up a work experience placement during Key Stage 4. Most of these placements take place once a week for several months to really develop confidence and embed learning. We employ a dedicated work experience coordinator who works with local businesses to source placements and we have seen huge benefits (including part time and full time employment) for many of our young people. Recent placements include a pupil working as a mechanic at a local garage and another working as a customer service assistant in a superstore. We are always looking for new providers so please do get in touch with us on 01353 662085 if you would like to work with us.
Enterprise Group
See below some of our Key Stage 4 "Enterprise" students working together to create hand made soaps and candles for sale to the public.
Voices of Highfield Ely - Podcasters
A small group of students have created and developed their own very own podcast - please have a listen and enjoy!
In whichever Pathway or at whatever age students join us, our curriculum allows them to gain a valuable understanding of the world of work. It helps them overcome any barriers they may face when trying to enter the workplace. Our students make successful transitions every year, either to FE college, to employment or to successfully access a Social Care provision.
Wherever possible we stay in touch with our pupils and their families and track students' destinations post-Highfield and into later life to measure the impact of our careers programme and to establish how many have entered FE, training, or the workplace.
Our Careers Lead and Key Stage Leader of KS4/5 is Becka Butland. Becka can be contacted on 01353 662085 or by email at office@highfield.cambs.sch.uk
You can read our Careers Policy here and see our Careers strategy below
Careers Strategy
This information is due for review in September 2024.
Provider Access Statement
Our Provider Access Statement sets out our school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Other useful links.....
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Preparing for Adulthood
The PFA helpline is available every Monday of each week from 9am-12pm . Please contact contact Martine Simpson-Thomas on 07484520039 or email martine.simpson-thomas@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Click here for a Guide for Parents
Preparation for Adulthood Tool
Local Labour Market Information
Upcoming events
All of our local colleges have virtual tours and open days advertised on their websites. Why not arrange to go and take a look around? If you would like to see the SEN facilities or visit at a quieter time, the college will be able to arrange this for you.