The Green Pathway is our curriculum for semi-formal learners. This represents the majority of students at Highfield Ely and covers a wide range of learning needs and diagnoses. We refer to those learners on this Pathway with a higher level of need as Complex Green students and both the content they experience and the way in which it is taught is adapted to reflect this level of need.
The primary focuses of this curriculum are communication, interaction, physical, social and emotional well-being; we also lay the foundations of subjects such as English and Maths. Our aim is always for pupils to make ongoing progress towards living as independently as possible into adulthood.
Who is on the Green Pathway?
Many Green Pathway learners are able to access some subject specific learning in core areas of the curriculum. They will need additional input in developing communication and independence skills. Complex Green learners will not yet be able to access subject specific learning. Students working within this Pathway commonly present with the following characteristics:
Some intentional communication of immediate needs
Some social skills, but significantly behind age related expectations
Emerging problem solving skills
May be able to access some subject specific teaching
The Pathway for each student is decided upon on an individual basis, based on the best way to meet needs. The Pathway system is designed to be fluid, meaning that pupils are able to move between Pathways throughout their school career if appropriate for their needs. Some students will remain on the Green Pathway during their time at Highfield, whilst others may move to the Yellow Pathway around year 7.
The Curriculum
The curriculum is divided into 6 broad areas:
The Green Pathway curriculum is taught through an engaging termly topic and text, within a five-year rolling programme.
Green Pathway Five Year Plan
The majority of primary-aged learners begin in the Green Pathway, as this developmental curriculum is ideal to meet the needs of our pupils in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2. A small number of primary aged pupils will begin in the Blue Pathway as this will better suit their needs.
In the primary department, learning opportunities are provided by a range of play-based and multi-sensory activities, often through continuous provision or small group activities. The curriculum is adapted to be age-appropriate for older pupils. As an example, for the topic ‘To The Rescue’, primary classes may have a superhero theme, whereas secondary classes may focus on a more functional understanding of the emergency services and how to recognise and access them.
Interventions and therapies
Attention Autism
This is an intervention model designed by Gina Davies, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. It aims to develop both attention skills and natural and spontaneous communication through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities.
AAC - Augmentative and alternative communication
This includes Makaton, PECS, Communication books, Visual supports, timetables and social stories. We aim to have total communication classrooms where pupils are able to use the right communication methods for their individual needs.
Rebound Therapy
Exercise therapy which uses trampolines to provide opportunities for movement, therapeutic exercise and recreation for people across the whole spectrum of special needs.
Horse Riding
Pupils attend horse riding on a referral basis. This helps support both their physical and social development.
Lego®-Based Therapy
A group designed to support development of social communication skills through the engaging and motivational medium of Lego®.
Independence (Based on the TEACCH approach)
Pupils access this provision to support them become more independent and autonomous learners. There is a strong emphasis on structure and routine supported by visuals.
Learners in year 10 and 11 will complete an ASDAN Life Skills challenge from each of the following areas:
One of the following Preparation for Adulthood areas: Community inclusion, Employment, Good Health, Independent Living and Housing
In 6th Form the focus switches solely to Preparation for Adulthood. Learners will complete three ASDAN Life Skills challenges, one from each of the remaining areas that they have not covered:
Community Inclusion
Good Health
Independent Living and Housing
We know from feedback from students, parents/carers, further education providers and employers that our Green Pathway has the following impacts:
for some learners, the Green Pathway will have allowed them to transition onto the Yellow Pathway in KS3
for other students remaining on the Green Pathway is more appropriate. They develop into confident young people, often having worked through anxieties around self-perceived failures in learning and communicating and gaining qualifications
they are more able to access the world around them with reduced support because they have developed the knowledge and skills to do so. This could be linked to performing self care, reading and writing, speaking and listening, improvements in their ability to self-regulate behaviour, being able to tell the time, travel confidently and much more
our young people are regular attenders - whether at an FE college, Social Enterprise or in a place of work
pupils are willing and more likely to try new experiences as they have had so many opportunities to do so during their time in school
Moving on from the Green Pathway
Outcomes for learners in the Green Pathway vary according to the individual progress they make against curriculum targets and EHCP outcomes. Many students will be best served by a move to a further education setting in year 12. Some will stay on at Highfield until the end of the year in which they are 19. The focus for pupils in the Green Pathway at this stage is functional skills to enable our learners to live as independently as possible when they leave Highfield; their learning will include personal care, money skills and home management skills, as well as functional literacy and numeracy. Discussions on moving on begin from the year 9 annual review.
If you would like any further information on the Green Pathway, please contact the Headteacher, Adam Daw at adaw@highfield.cambs.sch.uk