Personal development is at the heart of our ethos and our curriculum and we pride ourselves on the incredible personal journeys our students take. We know each and every one of our learners as individuals and we approach their development accordingly. Our vision is "the best possible outcomes for every learner, whatever their starting point" - below are some examples of how our students develop over their time at Highfield.


We see pupils in all Pathways greatly develop their communication skills. For some this may be developing the ability to communicate their wants and needs, for others it may be about having the confidence to successfully navigate a job interview. This opens doors for them, removing a potential barrier and giving them a voice. It reduces behaviours that might otherwise prevent them from accessing their communities, further education, employment and relationships. It improves their relationships with the people around them and gives them a new-found self confidence.

Physical and mental wellbeing

For many of our learners, physical and/or mental wellbeing can be huge barriers to them being able to achieve their full potential. We see incredible results over time through consistent, focused work on these areas with our specialist team.

Behaviour and attitudes

Our positive, therapeutic approach yields great results over time and our pupils leave us more able to manage their emotions and behaviour in a range of situations that might previously have challenged them. This allows them to access opportunities and experiences that might otherwise been inaccessible for them. 


Our students enjoy school and they want to be here - we know that many of them have not always had a positive attitude towards education. We also know through keeping in touch with former pupils and their families that this translates to life after Highfield and means that they embrace opportunities for further education, social care placements and employment.


Many of our young people have had difficulties in the past with developing relationships with their peers. We see this change over time and they leave us as more confident individuals with established friendships and the ability to develop new ones.

Cultural capital

Our curriculum is carefully planned to allow our students to see, take part in and learn about a broad range of different cultures and experiences. We take into account the barriers that people with SEND can face and take every opportunity to access areas that may otherwise be difficult to experience. This includes residential trips far away from home, visits to our local mosque, preparation and eating of foods from different cultures, visits to museums and galleries, a spectacular Prom night and even disability friendly open water kayaking. 


Academic success

Our students are successful learners, and we want them to recognise and celebrate this quality within themselves. Pupils in all Pathways work towards qualifications that are relevant to them and which allow them to move on to their next steps in education and in life. 

Transitions and life after Highfield

The transition between school and the next step can be daunting for learners and their families alike. We manage this transition carefully and over time. We work with students, their families, the local authority, FE providers and Social Care settings to ensure that transitions are successful. We see so many of our pupils go on to achieve incredibly well, whatever their starting point when they joined us.

Our students take part in and experience a huge number of amazing things throughout the year. These range from hatching ducklings to singing in the Cathedral to recording their own music in a professional studio. Please scroll down for a taste of what we do.

Rock Band

Pupils were able to go and make their own recording in a professional recording studio and loved every minute - they also played live at Prom!

Duchess of Ely

Our adapted take on the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. Pupils work together and independently towards awards at different levels and have practice expeditions before overnight camping at Nene Park near Peterborough. 

Film Awards

We love it when Film Awards time comes around.....out comes the red carpet, we have ushers, presenters, security, lighting and sound crew all manned by students and pupils and their families get to watch the films they've made in school on the big screen.


We may be a small school but our Prom is massive, and literally a red carpet event. Students in all Pathways in KS4 and KS5 attend - we even welcome back some former pupils too. Students and staff dress to impress and we've had motorbike motorcades and even a Fen Limo (a tractor) bringing students down the driveway where they are escorted onto the red carpet in front of families and friends.



Residential trips

We run residential trips for students in KS3, KS4 and KS5. We use two different providers, one in Norfolk and one in Wales. Young people experience adventurous activities, staying away from home, cooking and cleaning for themselves - the effects of these trips are often transformational in terms of confidence.

Sports Days

We run our own Sports Days in school for all Pathways and all ages - families attend and take part too. We also send competitors to the Active Learning Trust Panathlon and other external competitive sporting events each year.

Ely Cathedral Christingle Concert

Christingle at Ely Cathedral has been a tradition at Highfield for many years. Families are welcome and get to share the incredible experience of singing in Ely Cathedral with their young people.

Local School trips

We have trips for all Pathways going out locally every week in and around Ely. These include trips to shops, cafes, museums, a play centre, the Cathedral, garden centres, local businesses and more. Students experience a range of settings and learn how to behave safely and thoughtfully around others, to use money, to practice good road safety, to interpret signage - the list of benefits goes on and on.

Christmas Fayre

Another longstanding Highfield tradition, pupils sell quality items they have made in their Enterprise classes. They set up and decorate the school Hall, run their own stalls with support and take responsibility for cash handling. This is a packed house every year!

Grow your own Ducklings!

Pupils were fascinated to be able to witness the progress from egg to duckling in this science related experience. The ducklings were with us for several weeks in total and some were eventually homed with members of our school team.




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